The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg

Community Health Care Advisory Committee Meeting


Electronic Meeting
  • Mayor Deb Gilvesy
  • Deputy Mayor Dave Beres
  • Councillor Kelly Spencer
  • Nadia Facca
  • Teresa Martins
  • Pauline Markus, NP
  • Zach Buchner, Chamber of Commerce Representative
  • Mike Bastow
  • Dr. John Andrew
  • Dr. Clay Inculet
  • Dr. Will Cheng
  • Dr. Mohammed Abdalla
  • Laura Pickersgill, Executive Assistant
  • Kyle Pratt, Chief Administrative Officer

The meeting was called to order at 12:01 p.m.

The new members were welcomed to the Committee.

  • Resolution #1
    Moved By:Mayor Gilvesy
    Seconded By:Councillor Spencer

    THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Health Care Advisory Committee meeting of Tuesday, September 3, 2024, be adopted, as amended with the addition of item 6.5.


No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared.

  • Resolution #2
    Moved By:Mayor Gilvesy
    Seconded By:Councillor Spencer

    THAT the minutes of the Community Health Care Advisory Committee of June 18, 2024, be approved.


The Committee by consensus agreed that it would be beneficial for the Town to advertise this available space on our website and social media channels.

Staff to confirm if this opportunity comes with administrative staff or if the practitioners are required to hire their own administrative staff.

Deputy Mayor Beres and Councillor Spencer provided a summary of the delegation meetings with the Ministry of Health and Ontario Medical Association at the AMO conference.

The Committee passed the following resolution. As part of this, it was suggested that staff reach out to Tourism Oxford to obtain a list of attractions they offer in and around the Town. Nadia will provide a list of popular swag items for health care professionals recruitment. Nadia will confirm with Dr. Inculet if there are anymore anticipated hires in 2024 for physicians to determine approximately how much unused funding may be available to purchase promotional materials.

It was suggested that promotional packages be put together about the Town for the health care recruiter. 

T. Rowland provided an update on available space in her associated FHO.

Members offered to assist with going to recruitment fairs for health care professionals should it be required. 

  • Resolution #3
    Moved By:Nadia Facca
    Seconded By:Pauline Markus

    THAT the Community Health Care Committee recommends to Council that the shifting of unused funds from the Physician Recruitment budget line be used for the purpose of purchase promotional materials for the purposes of attracting health care professionals to the Town of Tillsonburg. 


N. Facca provided an update on the work done to-date from the Health Care Recruitment Coordinator.

N. Facca and K. Pratt to discuss further details regarding this position.

The Committee by consensus agreed that Mike Bastow is no longer needed to be a member on the Committee.

Laura will consult with the Chamber about the addition of a second voting member.

T. Martins provided an update on the strategic priority session items through Oxford Ontario Health Team in regards to Tillsonburg.

December 3, 2024 12:00 p.m.

  • Resolution #4
    Moved By:Nadia Facca
    Seconded By:Pauline Markus

    THAT the Community Health Care Advisory Committee meeting of Tuesday, September 3, 2024 be adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
