The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg

Recreation and Sports Advisory Committee Meeting


Boardroom CSC
10 Lisgar Ave.
  • Scott Gooding
  • Chris Parker, Councillor
  • Deb Gilvesy, Mayor
  • Scott Vitias
  • Taylor Campbell
  • Stephen Gradish
  • Andrew Gradish
  • Kristy Milmine
  • Christian Devlin
  • Carrie Lewis
  • Susie Wray
  • Andrea Greenway, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks
  • Margaret Puhr, Administrative Assistant – Recreation, Culture & Parks
  • Julie Dawley, Manager of Recreation Programs and Services

The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm

  • Resolution #1
    Moved By:Deb Gilvesy, Mayor
    Seconded By:Scott Vitias

    THAT the Agenda, as prepared, for the February 6th Recreation & Sports Advisory Committee, be amended to include a verbal update from staff on the Community Centre construction and a verbal update on budget.

  • Resolution #2
    Moved By:Scott Gooding
    Seconded By:Scott Vitias

    THAT the Minutes, as prepared, from the January 9 meeting, be adopted.


Andrea provided the review.

Stephen Gradish noted that the terms called for a youth member to be on the committee, councilor Parker noted that none applied to serve as member. Andrea noted that next time there is advertising for committee members it will be made explicit that a youth member is being sought.

This has been approved by council - thank you for committee's input.

Andrea will bring to the committee a list of sponsorship opportunities before broadcasting this opportunity.

Mayor attended ROMA conference, where it was emphasized that no lottery money can be accepted by municipalities. There will be a meeting with AGCO to discuss this program and perhaps a change in legislation.

This policy was approved.

Julie presented the information.

Committee members observed that there were may tennis players who did not scan, for lack of information. Also tennis game goes on for double or more time than a pickleball game which also influences the data.

Chris Parker provided update that the budget was adopted at 4.73% increase reduced from original proposed 13%.

One of the no-cost projects that was adopted, was service level standards, which will be brought to the committee once developed.

Verbal update provided by Andrea - at this time the space is being shared with construction company to move some items in from storage, the pool is being filled.

The project is still on time for opening at the end of February.

Staff has been hired for the pool operations and are being trained.

  • Resolution #4
    Moved By:Stephen Gradish
    Seconded By:Christian Devlin

    That the meeting be adjourned at 6:30pm

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