The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg

Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting


Thompson Goossens Accountants Boardroom
21 Oxford Street, Tillsonburg
  • Councillor Bob Parsons
  • Deb Gilvesy, Mayor
  • Lisa Gilvesy
  • Andrew Burns
  • Randy Thornton
  • Randi-Lee Durham
  • Jesse Goossens
  • Mark Renaud, Executive Director, Tillsonburg BIA
  • Suzanne Renken
  • Dane Willson
  • Gurvir Hans
  • Steve Spanjers
  • Kirby Heckford
  • Kyle Pratt, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Cephas Panschow, Development Commissioner
  • Laura Pickersgill, Executive Assistant

The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m.

  • Resolution #1
    Moved By:Councillor Parsons
    Seconded By:Lisa Gilvesy

    THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting of Tuesday, August 13, 2024, be adopted.


No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared.

  • Resolution #2
    Moved By:Councillor Parsons
    Seconded By:Randi-Lee Durham

    THAT the minutes of the Economic Development Advisory Committee of July 9, 2024, be approved.


C. Panschow provided an overview of the departmental activity.

C. Panschow provided an overview of the Van Norman Innovation Park Phase 2 lot layout. 

A. Burns joined the meeting at 12:18 p.m.

There was discussion regarding the traffic flows within the development and access points onto Highway 3. A Traffic Impact Analysis to support this current lot layout is underway and will be used to consult with the Ministry of Transportation.

The lot layout was designed to maximize development potential despite the various ravines that traverse the south edge of the developable land. An extensive Environmental Impact Study is also underway to determine appropriate setbacks to preserve the natural environment/habitat in the ravines whiles also identifying the outlets for storm water flows into the Otter Creek. In Phase 1, the Storm Water Management Pond outlet was into a naturalized ravine that was not improved despite being used as an outlet. 

The Committee indicated that it is desirable to offer rail serviced sites and that should be a consideration. The natural ravines are an important feature and could serve to create a more business park environmental so it is important to showcase the natural features of environment and benefits to attract potential developers.

  • Resolution #3
    Moved By:Lisa Gilvesy
    Seconded By:Randy Thornton

    THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends to Council that:

    • The preferred lot configuration includes a second access to Highway 3 subject to the cost considerations;
    • More lots to be identified for General Industrial instead of Restricted Industrial
    • The Planning review considers, due to the scarcity of commercially zoned lands within the Town, commercial zoning for of having lots 5, 6 and 7 with an analysis of the revenue potential for this option being considered.

Jesse stepped away from the Chair 1:15 p.m.

Resolution #4 was debated and passed.

Jesse resumed the Chair at 1:21 p.m.

More information regarding cost considerations and servicing will be brought forward at an upcoming meeting.

  • Resolution #4
    Moved By:Jesse Goossens
    Seconded By:Mark Renaud

    THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee recommends to Council that phase two of Van Norman Innovation Park be offered for sale with consideration of a recommended pricing strategy from Avison Young with specifications including: an option for tiered pricing based on lot size and use, criteria for purchasers being price, proposed use of the property/employment potential and building size.


K. Pratt provided an update on the reports that have gone to Council in July and August in regards to the Town Hall project as well as the latest direction from Council.

There was a discussion regarding the lack of cellular service available in areas in and around the Town. Turning on wi-fi can be helpful when trying to make calls when there is a lack of service. The cell phone towers are getting strained as the population continues to grow which is making it hard for the towers to keep up with the higher volume of users.

  • Resolution #5
    Moved By:Mayor Gilvesy
    Seconded By:Mark Renaud

    THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee is in support of the resolution from the Town of Plympton-Wyoming regarding underserviced cellular communication services in rural and urban centres and recommends that Council pass a supporting resolution.


Jesse and Cephas are working to prepare a presentation to Council regarding this topic. 

There was a discussion regarding the many social issues happening in the downtown core and the BIA is working with community partners to address these issues.

Development is underway at the Soprema site.

An update on the airport and the tree removal was requested for the next meeting.

The Multi-Service Centre Job Fair is scheduled for October 1st at the Community Centre.

The next Business After 5 is scheduled for next Thursday at the Station Arts Centre.

September 10, 2024 12:00 p.m.

  • Resolution #6
    Moved By:Randy Thornton
    Seconded By:Councillor Parsons

    THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting of Tuesday, August 13, 2024 be adjourned at 1:49 p.m.
