The Corporation of the Town of TillsonburgMuseum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory CommitteeMINUTESWednesday, February 19, 2025 4:30 P.m. - 6:30 P.m.Boardroom CSC10 Lisgar Ave.ATTENDANCE:Carrie Lewis, ChairLindsay MunroeDoug CooperJoan Weston, Vice-ChairCourtney BoothRosemary DeanKelly Spencer, CouncillorDeb Gilvesy, MayorRegrets:Isaac CardTabitha VerbuystStaff:Duncan Bryce, Records and Legislative CoordinatorRegrets:Andrea Greenway, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks1.Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:31 p.m. with Vice-Chair Joan Weston Presiding.2.Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1Moved By:Courtney BoothSeconded By:Rosemary DeanTHAT the agenda as prepared for the Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of February 19, 2025, be approved.Carried3.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interests.4.Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 1.250115 Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee Minutes.pdfResolution #2Moved By:Doug CooperSeconded By:Kelly Spencer, CouncillorTHAT the January 15, 2025 Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting minutes be approved.Carried5.Presentations 6.General Business & Reports 6.1Citizen of the Year Nominations for Citizen of the Year are open on the Town of Tillsonburg website until March 31.6.2Spring Volunteer Achievement Award Applications are currently open on the Town of Tillsonburg website.6.3Update to Cultural Grant Processes The Committee discussed putting a motion on the floor at a Committee meeting closer to 2026 budget deliberations to potentially revisit bringing the cultural grant processes back to the Committee.6.4Founder's Day Event Subcommittee Applications for the Founder's Day Subcommittee are open now on the Town of Tillsonburg website until February 25. Resolution #3Moved By:Doug CooperSeconded By:Carrie Lewis, ChairTHAT the Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special awards Advisory Committee appoint Committee member Rosemary Dean to the Founder's Day Subcommittee.Carried6.5Museum Report - Annandale 200th Celebrations 1.Annandale 200th Celebrations.pdfResolution #4Moved By:Kelly Spencer, CouncillorSeconded By:Courtney BoothTHAT the Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee receive the Museum Report as information.Carried7.Next Meeting 8.Adjournment Resolution #5Moved By:Kelly Spencer, CouncillorSeconded By:Rosemary DeanTHAT the meeting be adjourned at 4:46 p.m.CarriedNo Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.250115 Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee Minutes.pdf1.Annandale 200th Celebrations.pdf