The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg

Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee


Boardroom CSC
10 Lisgar Ave.
  • Carrie Lewis, Chair
  • Lindsay Munroe
  • Doug Cooper
  • Joan Weston, Vice-Chair
  • Courtney Booth
  • Rosemary Dean
  • Kelly Spencer, Councillor
  • Deb Gilvesy, Mayor
  • Isaac Card
  • Tabitha Verbuyst
  • Duncan Bryce, Records and Legislative Coordinator
  • Andrea Greenway, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks

The meeting was called to order at 4:31 p.m. with Vice-Chair Joan Weston Presiding.

  • Resolution #1
    Moved By:Courtney Booth
    Seconded By:Rosemary Dean

    THAT the agenda as prepared for the Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of February 19, 2025, be approved.


There were no disclosures of pecuniary interests.

  • Resolution #2
    Moved By:Doug Cooper
    Seconded By:Kelly Spencer, Councillor

    THAT the January 15, 2025 Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting minutes be approved.


Nominations for Citizen of the Year are open on the Town of Tillsonburg website until March 31.

Applications are currently open on the Town of Tillsonburg website.

The Committee discussed putting a motion on the floor at a Committee meeting closer to 2026 budget deliberations to potentially revisit bringing the cultural grant processes back to the Committee.

Applications for the Founder's Day Subcommittee are open now on the Town of Tillsonburg website until February 25. 

  • Resolution #3
    Moved By:Doug Cooper
    Seconded By:Carrie Lewis, Chair

    THAT the Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special awards Advisory Committee appoint Committee member Rosemary Dean to the Founder's Day Subcommittee.

  • Resolution #4
    Moved By:Kelly Spencer, Councillor
    Seconded By:Courtney Booth

    THAT the Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee receive the Museum Report as information.

  • Resolution #5
    Moved By:Kelly Spencer, Councillor
    Seconded By:Rosemary Dean

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 4:46 p.m.
