The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg

Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting


Thompson Goossens Accountants Boardroom
21 Oxford Street, Tillsonburg
  • Dane Willson
  • Councillor Bob Parsons
  • Deb Gilvesy, Mayor
  • Lisa Gilvesy
  • Randy Thornton
  • Randi-Lee Durham
  • Steve Spanjers
  • Jesse Goossens
  • Mark Renaud, Executive Director, Tillsonburg BIA
  • Suzanne Renken
  • Andrew Burns
  • Gurvir Hans
  • Kirby Heckford
  • Kyle Pratt, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Cephas Panschow, Development Commissioner
  • Laura Pickersgill, Executive Assistant
  • Margaret Puhr, Administrative Assistant

The meeting was called to order at 12:02 p.m.

  • Resolution #1
    Moved By:Lisa Gilvesy
    Seconded By:Councillor Parsons

    THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting of Tuesday, July 9, 2024, be adopted.


No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared.

  • Resolution #2
    Moved By:Mark Renaud
    Seconded By:Randy Thornton

    THAT the minutes of the Economic Development Advisory Committee of June 11, 2024, be amended to reflect the amendment made to resolution #3.


This report was added as the report on the June 10, 2024 Committee agenda included inaccurate information in regards to employment records.

C. Panschow provided an overview of this report. 

There was a discussion regarding the growth the Town is experiencing and concerns related to the infrastructure needs to accommodate the growth and what the actual housing needs are for the Town.

C. Panschow provided a brief overview of the development charges study that was completed through Oxford County.

C. Panschow provided an overview of building activity and trends in previous years.

The Stationview Development was mistakenly included in the presentation as an approved item but it has not yet been approved and should have been reflected under the anticipated developments list.

C. Panschow provided an overview of the background on development of the Van Norman Innovation Park and the next steps required for Phase Two.

The Committee, at a future meeting, would like to see information on:

  • Lot configuration
  • Comparable land price data/pricing strategies for industrial parks in southwestern Ontario
  • Potential marketing strategies including the potential for commercial zoning
  • Options for commercial zoning areas
  • Timing for listing, list on lot one versus wait-listing
  • Lot coverage provisions of competitor municipalities

The Town needs to obtain from Oxford County confirmation of the servicing level capabilities of this site before any developments proceed. 

B. Parsons left the meeting at 1:24 p.m.

K. Pratt provided a summary of the decision made by Council yesterday to proceed with the option to do a complete demolition and rebuild at the 10 Lisgar Avenue site.

Report OPD-24-048 - Town Hall Project Status Update that went to Council yesterday will be added to the next agenda for information.

The next meeting scheduled for this Committee is July 24, 2024.

A health care recruiter has been hired and has commenced his duties working out of the hospital.

J. Goossens and C. Panschow are working together on a presentation to Council in August.

M. Renaud provided a summary of the BIA report.

Opportunity was provided for members to ask questions.

K. Pratt left the meeting at 1:36 p.m.

A hard copy report was submitted at the meeting. This will be added to the next agenda for reference.

Norwich Township offered 400 hectares of land to the City of Woodstock to assist with rerouting of a truck route.

The BIA Board supported the zone change proposal for the Stationview Development.

August 13, 2024 12:00 p.m.

  • Resolution #3
    Moved By:Randy Thornton
    Seconded By:Mark Renaud

    THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting of Tuesday, July 9, 2024 be adjourned at 1:42 p.m.
