The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg

Council Meeting


4 Elm St
  • Mayor Gilvesy (Chair)
  • Deputy Mayor Beres
  • Councillor Luciani
  • Councillor Parker
  • Councillor Parsons
  • Councillor Rosehart
  • Councillor Spencer
  • Kyle Pratt, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Tanya Daniels, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk
  • Renato Pullia, Director of Finance/Treasurer
  • Johnathon Graham, Director of Operations & Development
  • Cephas Panschow, Development Commissioner
  • Andrea Greenway, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks
  • Amelia Jaggard, Deputy Clerk

Mayor called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

  • Resolution #2024-511
    Moved By:Deputy Mayor Beres
    Seconded By:Councillor Luciani

    THAT Council move into Closed Session to consider the following:

    Item 2.4.1 Personnel Matter

    239 (2) (b)  personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees;

    239 (2) (f)  advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;


Adoption of Agenda


Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest


Adoption of Closed Council Minutes


Personnel Matter


Adoption of Closed Committee Meeting Minutes


Back to Open Session

  • Resolution #2024-512
    Moved By:Deputy Mayor Beres
    Seconded By:Councillor Luciani

    ​THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of Thursday, November 14, 2024, be adopted.

  • Resolution #2024-513
    Moved By:Councillor Luciani
    Seconded By:Deputy Mayor Beres

    THAT the Council meeting minutes dated October 21, 2024 be approved. 

  • Resolution #2024-514
    Moved By:Councillor Parker
    Seconded By:Councillor Rosehart

    THAT Council move into the Committee of Adjustment to hear an application for Minor Variance at 6:03 p.m.

  • Marc Davidson, Oxford County Planner, attended before Committee and provided an overview of Item 8.1. 

    Stephen Cornwell, Applicant, attended before Committee to speak in support of the application.

    No questions were posed by Committee to either staff or the applicant.

    Resolution #2024-515
    Moved By:Councillor Spencer
    Seconded By:Councillor Parsons

    THAT the Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A12-24t, submitted by Stephen Cornwell on behalf of Garlyn Holdings Inc., for lands described as Part of Lots 1594 and 1595, Plan 500, Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to:

    1. In accordance with Section – Extensions to Non-Conforming Buildings, relief from Section 22.2 Zone Provisions –Table 22.2 Zone Provisions – Interior Side Yard, Minimum Width, to reduce the minimum required interior side yard depth from 7.5 m (24.6 ft) to 6.3 m (20.67 ft); and
    2. Pursuant to Section 45(2)(a)(i) of the Planning Act relief from Section 22.2 – Zone Provisions – Table 22.2 Zone Provisions – Rear Yard, Minimum Depth, to extend a legal non-conforming rear yard setback of 4.0 metres (13.1 ft), whereas 10.0 metres (32.8 ft) is required.

    The first requested variance meets the four tests of a minor variance as set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act as outlined within the report.


Tyler Coghill attended before Council to express concerns regarding the Library Lane Walkway located at 1 Library Lane. Mr. Coghill provided an presentation of his concerns related to the accessibility, visibility / safety, condition of the walkway and structure.

Mr. Coghill requested Council improve the physical access, enhance safety, and repair structural damage within the area. 

Council asked questions of the delegate. Mr. Coghill noted the ideal solution is to remove the covering versus repair along with repair the accessibility concerns.

Staff answered questions regarding the County relationship to the area.

  • Resolution #2024-516
    Moved By:Councillor Parker
    Seconded By:Deputy Mayor Beres
    1. THAT the delegation from Tyler Coghill re: Library Lane Walkway be received as information; and
    2. THAT a report be brought to council during the 2025 budget process regarding safety concerns and improvements of Library Lane and any costs that may be associated with those improvements. 
  • Resolution #2024-517
    Moved By:Deputy Mayor Beres
    Seconded By:Councillor Luciani
    1. THAT report titled “Economic Development Advisory Committee Recommendation – Representation on Oxford County Council ” be received as information; and
    2. THAT a letter be sent to Oxford County Council requesting to having equitable representation, for the amount of people the Town is representing, at the County governance level. 
  • Resolution #2024-518
    Moved By:Councillor Spencer
    Seconded By:Councillor Luciani

    THAT Item 11.2 be referred as a new report to the Committee to review the process for securing a vendor or volunteer to conduct the work including any licence, insurance and any necessary contracts that may be required.

  • Resolution #2024-519
    Moved By:Councillor Parker
    Seconded By:Councillor Rosehart
    1. THAT report titled “CS 24-111 Funding for Founder’s Day Event” be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approve the recommendation of the Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee as follows:

      THAT any unused funds from the 2024 Cultural Grants budget line and the Twin City budget line items be transferred for use towards the 2025 Founders Day event.


Councillor Spencer requested item 12.4 be separated for individual vote.

  • Resolution #2024-520
    Moved By:Councillor Luciani
    Seconded By:Councillor Spencer

    THAT the following items be received as information: [only Items 12.1, 12.2, and 12.3 were voted on as an omnibus motion - item 12.4 was separated for individual vote]

  • Resolution #2024-521
    Moved By:Councillor Spencer
    Seconded By:Councillor Parsons

    A. THAT the Safe and Well Oxford Committee June 12, 2024, delegation follow-up letter be received as information; and

    B. THAT that the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg approve and endorse the Inclusion Charter for Oxford as a guiding framework for promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within our organization and community.

  • Resolution #2024-522
    Moved By:Councillor Parsons
    Seconded By:Councillor Parker

    THAT report titled FIN 24-053 - 2024 Consolidated Q3 Operating Results be received as information.

  • Resolution #2024-523
    Moved By:Deputy Mayor Beres
    Seconded By:Councillor Parker

    THAT the following reports be received as information:

    13.2.1 2024 Q3 Department Results - Corporate Services - CS-24-110;        
    13.2.2 2024 Q3 Department Results – Economic Development and Marketing - EDM-24-041;       
    13.2.3 2024 Q3 Depatmental Results - Fire Rescue Services - FRS-24-005;        
    13.2.4 2024 Q3 Department Results - Building, Planning, By-Law Services OPD-24-059;
    13.2.5 2024 Q3 Department Results - Operations and Development Services Update - OPD-24-060;        
    13.2.6 2024 Q3 Department Results – RCP - RCP-24-055;        
    13.2.7 2024 Q3 Department Results - Finance - FIN-24-054.

  • Resolution #2024-524
    Moved By:Councillor Spencer
    Seconded By:Councillor Luciani
    1. THAT report CAO 24-024 titled “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Internal Committee” be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council endorses the Terms of Reference for the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Internal Committee.
  • Resolution #2024-525
    Moved By:Councillor Parsons
    Seconded By:Deputy Mayor Beres
    1. THAT report EDM 24-042 Titled “Request for Extension – Agreement of Purchase and Sale with peopleCare Inc” be received;
    2. THAT an extension in the closing date for the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Town of Tillsonburg and peopleCare Inc to a date at the end of December 2024 be granted; and
    3. THAT, should an execution By-law be needed, staff be directed to present to Council for consideration.


  • Resolution #2024-526
    Moved By:Councillor Spencer
    Seconded By:Councillor Parker
    1. THAT report titled “RTSF Agreement - T:GO (In-Town) Bus Shelters Project” be received as information; and
    2. THAT the Treasurer be directed to allocate an additional $32,564 from the Linear Infrastructure Reserve fund toward capital project 222 TGO Bus Shelters, in fulfilling the identified scope change for the construction of the recognized bus shelters in partnership with the Rural Transit Solutions Fund grant award.
  • Resolution #2024-527
    Moved By:Councillor Rosehart
    Seconded By:Deputy Mayor Beres
    1. THAT report RCP 24-053 titled Lake Lisgar Waterpark Summer 2024 be received as information.
    2. THAT Council approves the recommendation to adjust operational hours for Lake Lisgar Waterpark in 2025.
  • Resolution #2024-528
    Moved By:Deputy Mayor Beres
    Seconded By:Councillor Luciani

    THAT report RCP 24-054 titled Tillsonburg District Craft Guild Draft 2025-2027 Memorandum of Understanding be received as information.

  • Resolution #2024-529
    Moved By:Councillor Spencer
    Seconded By:Deputy Mayor Beres

    THAT Council receives as information:

    • The Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes dated October 8, 2024; and
    • The Museum, Culture, Heritage & Special Awards Advisory Committee minutes dated October 16, 2024. 
    • The Community Health Care Advisory Committee minutes dated October 30, 2024. 
    • The Economic Development Advisory Committee minutes dated October 8, 2024.


  • Resolution #2024-530
    Moved By:Councillor Parsons
    Seconded By:Deputy Mayor Beres

    WHEREAS official statistics from the Government of Ontario confirm that rural roads are inherently more dangerous than other roads;

    AND WHEREAS, despite only having 17% of the population, 55% of the road fatalities occur on rural roads;

    AND WHEREAS, rural, northern, and remote municipalities are fiscally strained by maintaining extensive road networks on a smaller tax base;

    AND WHEREAS, preventing crashes reduces the burden on Ontario’s already strained rural strained health care system;

    AND WHEREAS, roadway collisions and associated lawsuits are significant factors in runaway municipal insurance premiums. Preventing crashes can have a significant impact in improving municipal risk profiles;

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Tillsonburg requests that the Government of Ontario take action to implement the rural road safety program that Good Roads has committed to lead. It will allow Ontario's rural municipalities to make the critical investments needed to reduce the high number of people being killed and seriously injured on Ontario’s rural roads; and

    FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Premier Doug Ford, Hon. Prabmeet Sarkaria, Minister of Transportation, Hon. King Surma, Minister of Infrastructure, Hon. Rob Flack, Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Lisa Thompson, Minister of Rural Affairs, Hon. Trevor Jones, Associate Minister of Emergency Preparedness and Response, and Hon. Sylvia Jones, Minister of Health, and Good Roads; and

    FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario requesting their support.


Councillor Spencer presented a revised motion.

  • Resolution #2024-531
    Moved By:Councillor Spencer
    Seconded By:Deputy Mayor Beres

    WHEREAS there is a history and risk of danger and fatality with wandering individuals with neurodegenerative disease; and

    WHEREAS Tillsonburg has a high percentage of seniors in our community which by our 2021 populus and projection report states 29.3% of Tillsonburg citizens are 65 years of age and up; and

    WHEREAS the increase of percentage of seniors in the Tillsonburg community from 2016 to 2021, saw an increase of 24.7% in citizens ages 65 years of age and up; and

    WHEREAS the Alzheimer’s Society reports Ontario will have a 202% dementia increase between 2020 and 2050; and

    WHEREAS three in five people with dementia will wander, according to Alzheimer’s Association; and

    WHEREAS appropriate urgent notifications could be beneficially used to notify residents of a missing, wandering older adult who may be suffering from a documented cognitive disability or neurodegenerative memory disorder or dementia or other urgent messages; and

    WHEREAS the town phone app is a means to access, for this type of urgent notification as well as other types of notifications, to disseminate information to as many people as possible.


    1. THAT staff be directed to complete a promotion campaign on the Town's application and its positive usefulness for reviewing and receiving information from the Town; and
    2. THAT all notifications received from proper authorization or authority be disseminated. 


  • Resolution #2024-532
    Moved By:Councillor Parsons
    Seconded By:Councillor Luciani

    THAT By-Law 2024-096, A By-Law to Confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on November 14, 2024, be read for a first, second and third and final reading and that the Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the corporate seal thereunto. 

  • Resolution #2024-533
    Moved By:Councillor Rosehart
    Seconded By:Councillor Spencer

    THAT the Council meeting of November 14, 2024, be adjourned at 8:04 p.m.

No Item Selected