The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Council Meeting

4 Elm St

  • THAT the agenda for the Council meeting of February 24, 2025, be approved.

  • THAT the Council meeting minutes dated February 10, 2025, be approved.

  • THAT Council advise the Land Division Committee that the Town supports Application File A24-17-7, submitted by 2566546 Ontario Inc, for lands described as Part of Lot 6, Concession 10 Dereham, Parts 2 and 3 Plan 41R-6048, Town of Tillsonburg, municipally known as 22 North Street East, as it relates to:

    1. Relief from Section 6.2- R1 Zone Provisions, to reduce the minimum required lot area for a corner lot from 608 m2 (6,544 ft2) to 550 m2 (5,920 ft2);
    2. Relief from Section 6.2- R1 Zone Provisions, to reduced the minimum required lot frontage from 19 m (62.3 ft) to 16.5 m (54.1 ft)

    AND THAT Council advise the Land Division Committee that the Town is in favour of the proposal to sever the subject property, subject to the conditions contained in report CP 2025-65.

  • THAT Council approve the Zoning By-law Amendment applications (ZN 7-24-08 & ZN 7-24-09), submitted by Hoang Investments Ltd., for lands legally described as Lots 57 and 58, Plan 41M-144 in the Town of Tillsonburg, to remove the Holding Provisions from lands as identified on Plate 3 of Report No. CP 2025-47.

    1. THAT report EDM 25-009 titled “Economic Development Advisory Committee Recommendation – Proposed Industrial Development Charges” be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council supports the Committee’s recommendation:
      1. THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee seeks Council's support to address Oxford County Council at a future meeting to speak to the impact of development charges on industrial development particularly in light of a softening industrial market, the Town’s supply of industrial land coming to market and the impact of the U.S. tariffs which could further exacerbate the challenge of attracting industrial development to help the Town of Tillsonburg maintain a more competitive position against neighbouring municipalities that do not have development charges currently.
    1. THAT report EDM 25-004 Approval for Out-of-Country Event Attendance – Hannover Messe 2025 be received; and,
    2. THAT the Development Commissioner be authorized to travel to Hannover Messe 2025 as part of the Town’s membership in the Southwestern Ontario Marketing Alliancein support of the Town’s Foreign Direct Investment goals and with a shift in focus to Europe due to current economic conditions and threats; and,
    3. THAT the 2025 Economic Development & Marketing Budget be revised as follows:
      1. Re-instatement of $4,950 in Meeting Expenses for travel and related costs;
      2. Re-instatement of offsetting revenue of $3,500 (draft budget amount was $2,500), reflecting a higher number of Per Diem amounts (7 days); and,
      3. Reduction of $1,450 in Membership Expenses reflecting the actual 2025 SOMA Membership fees;

        For a net budget impact of $0.

    1. THAT Council receives report titled EDM 25-006 Community Improvement Plan Application – 102 Tillson Avenue, Unit I; and,

    2. THAT the 102 Tillson Avenue, Unit I, property tenant, Skill Shot Pinball, be approved for funding through the Town’s Community Improvement Plan, related to interior renovations and accessibility improvement renovation costs as follows:

      1. Commercial Building Interior Renovation Program – Matching funds up to a maximum of $5,000;
      2. Accessibility Renovation Grant – Matching funds up to a maximum of $3,000.
    1. THAT Council receives report titled EDM 25-007 Community Improvement Plan Application – 356 Tillson Avenue; and,

    2. THAT the 356 Tillson Avenue property tenant, Paws & Claws, be approved for funding through the Town’s Community Improvement Plan, related to interior renovations and accessibility improvement renovation costs as follows:

      1. Accessibility Renovation Grant – Matching funds up to a maximum of $3,000; and,

    3. THAT the 356 Tillson Avenue property be approved for the Tax Increment Grant Back Program of the Community Improvement Plan, related to enhancements of the property, at the General Level, which offers the following growth-related rebates:
      1. Years 1 - 100% rebate of the Town’s portion of the incremental tax increase;
      2. Year 2 - 80% rebate;
      3. Year 3 - 60% rebate;
      4. Year 4 - 40% rebate;
      5. Year 5 - 20% rebate; and,

    with full property taxes being payable in year 6.

    1. THAT report EDM 25-008 titled “Offer to Purchase – Venison Street East Parcel (Verhoeve)” be received; and,

    2. THAT a by-law be brought forward authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Maurice J. Verhoeve Funeral Homes Burial and Cremation Services Inc for lands located on the south side of Venison Street East described as part of Lot 994, Plan 500, and more particularly described as Part 2, Plan 41R-7347 and to execute any documents required to effect the transfer of these lands.


    1. THAT report OPD 25-005 titled “T:GO Inter-Community Transit – Status Report” be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council direct staff to develop a communication strategy to advise residents of the pending cessation of the program effective April 1, 2025; and
    3. THAT Council authorize the CAO and Director of Operations and Development to renew the In-Town service agreement with Voyago effective April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026.
  • THAT report RCP 25-011 titled “Memorial Bench Program Update” be received as information.

    1. THAT report RCP 25-012 titled “CBC Notice of Intent” be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approve the second extension agreement between the Town of Tillsonburg and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; and
    3. THAT a by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the extension agreement with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation be presented to Council for consideration.
  • THAT Council receive the Economic Development Advisory Committee minutes of February 11, 2025, as information.

  • THAT Council receive the Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Director Minutes of January 8, 2025, as information.


  • THAT the following By-Laws be read for a first, second, third and final reading and that the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the corporate seal thereunto:

    2025-017, to authorize the Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) Enhancement Grant Transfer Payment Agreement;

    2025-022, to authorize an agreement of purchase and sale with Performance Communities Realty Inc.;

    2025-023, to authorize an encroachment agreement with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation;

    2025-024, to authorize an agreement of purchase and sale with Maurice J. Verhoeve Funeral Homes Burial;

    2025-025, to amend Zoning By-Law 3295 (ZN 7-24-08);

    2025-026, to amend Zoning By-Law 3295 (ZN 7-24-09).

  • THAT By-Law 2025-021, to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on February 24, 2025, be read for a first, second and third and final reading and that the Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the corporate seal thereunto.

  • THAT the Council meeting of February 24, 2025, be adjourned at ___ p.m.

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