THAT Council receives report CS 22-23 Committee Establishment as information;
AND THAT Council endorses the development of the following Committees for the 2022-2026 Term of Council:
- Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Affordable and Attainable Housing Committee- ad-hoc
- Boundary Adjustment Committee- ad-hoc
- Economic Development Advisory Committee
- Parks, Beautification and Cemeteries Advisory Committee
- Recreation and Sports Advisory Committee
- Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee
- Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee
- Traffic Committee
- Youth Engagement and Strategy Committee
AND FURTHER THAT Council adopts the mandates attached for each Committee;
AND THAT staff advertise for the vacant positions on each Committee;
AND THAT Mayor Deb Gilvesy, ______________, _______________ and Kyle Pratt, CAO form the Council Nominating Committee for the 2022 – 2026 term of Committees.
AND FURTHER THAT the following Council representatives be appointed to the following Boards:
- THAT ____________________ be appointed as the member on the Tillsonburg Hydro Board;
- THAT Mayor Deb Gilvesy, _______________________ and ______________________ be appointed as members on the Physician Recruitment & Retention Committee;
- THAT ____________________ be appointed as the member on the Business Improvement Area Board;
- THAT Mayor Deb Gilvesy and ____________________ be appointed as the members on the Police Services Board;
- THAT _____________________ be appointed as the member on the Otter Valley Corridor Board; and
- THAT _____________________ be appointed as the member on the Non-Profit Housing Board.