The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Council Meeting

4 Elm St

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT Council move into Closed Session to consider the following:

    2.4.1 Oxford County Presentation - Planning 101

    239 (3.1) A meeting of a council or local board or of a committee of either of them may be closed to the public if the following conditions are both satisfied:

    1. The meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members.

    2. At the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the council, local board or committee.

    2.1 CLD-EDM-24-009 Surplus Langrell Avenue Lands - Revised Offer to Purchase

    239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board;

    239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

    2.5.2 CLD-EDM-24-010 Request for Assignment of VIP Lot 1 from 2776807 Ontario Inc to 2153484 Ontario Inc

    239 (2) (i)  a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization;

    239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.


Adoption of Agenda


Adoption of Closed Session Minutes




Oxford County Presentation - Planning 101


239 (3.1) A meeting of a council or local board or of a committee of either of them may be closed to the public if the following conditions are both satisfied:

1. The meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members.

2. At the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the council, local board or committee.



CLD-EDM-24-009 Surplus Langrell Avenue Lands - Revised Offer to Purchase 


239 (2) (c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board;

239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

CLD-EDM-24-010 Request for Assignment of VIP Lot 1 from 2776807 Ontario Inc to 2153484 Ontario Inc.


239 (2) (i)  a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization;

239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

Back to Open Session

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of July 8, 2024, be approved.

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the Special Council Meeting Minutes dated June 25, 2024 and the Council Meeting Minutes dated June 24, 2024, be approved. 

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT Council move into the Committee of Adjustment to hear an application for Minor Variance at ______ p.m. 

  • Proposed Resolution #

    The Council of the Town of Tillsonburg advise the Oxford County Land Division Committee that the Town supports the Application for Consent B24-23-7 submitted by Mike and Rebecca Dawdry for lands described as Pt Lot 91, Plan 500, Part 1, 41R-349 in the Town of Tillsonburg, subject to the following conditions:

    1. The Owners shall agree to satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the County regarding the installation of water and sanitary sewer services, to the satisfaction of the County including payment of all outstanding fees regarding the same. To this regard, the lot to be retained and the lot to be severed must be independently serviced (water/sanitary), and any/all services crossing the proposed property line be disconnected to the satisfaction of the County of Oxford Public Works Department.
    2. The Owners shall provide payment for cash-in-lieu of parkland to the Town of Tillsonburg for the lot to be severed, to the satisfaction of the Town of Tillsonburg.
    3. The Owner(s) shall covenant and agree to satisfy all requirements financial and otherwise, of the Town of Tillsonburg regarding the installation of services and drainage facilities, to the satisfaction of the Town of Tillsonburg. Any work being done in the Town’s right-of-way will require an Encroachment Permit, and a representative of the developer’s consultant must be on site while this work is undertaken.  The Owner shall agree to submit a stamped and sealed letter to the Town of Tillsonburg from the consulting engineer stating that all servicing and restoration work has been completed to the Town of Tillsonburg Development Guidelines and Design Criteria.
    4. The Owner(s) shall submit a Lot Grading Plan and Site Servicing Plan including all required servicing for the proposed lot to be severed, to the satisfaction of the Town of Tillsonburg Engineering Services Department. If any grading changes are proposed for the lot to be retained, the Owner(s) shall submit a Lot Grading Plan to the satisfaction of the Town of Tillsonburg Engineering Services Department.
    5. The Owner(s) shall submit a Surveyor’s Real Property Report to confirm lot sizes and building setbacks, to the satisfaction of the Town of Tillsonburg.
    6. The Clerk of the Town of Tillsonburg advise the Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee that all requirements of the Town of Tillsonburg have been complied with.

    And further, that the Town of Tillsonburg advise the Land Division Committee that the Town supports the approval of Application A24-11-7 submitted by Mike and Rebecca Dawdry for lands described as Pt Lot 91, Plan 500, Part 1, 41R-349 in the Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to:

    1. Relief from Section 6.2 – Table 6.2 - Zone Provisions, to reduce the Minimum Lot Depth from 32 m to 25 m for the lot to be severed via Application for Consent B24-11-7.

    As the proposed variance is:

    1. deemed to be a minor variance from the provisions of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-law No. 3295;
    2. deemed to be desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land;
    3. in-keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-law No. 3295; and,
    4. in-keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan.
  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT Council move out of the Committee of Adjustment and move back into regular Council session at _______ p.m. 

  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report titled “Bert Newman Park Fencing” be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approve the recommendation of the Parks, Beautification & Cemeteries Advisory Committee as follows:
      1. THAT the Parks, Beautification & Cemeteries Advisory Committee strongly recommend to Council that the fence surrounding the perimeter of Bert Newman Park remain in place, and
      2. THAT Council consider repairs, i.e. refurbishing the fence in 2025 budget; and
      3. THAT the committee also recommends that Council seek options from staff to re-engage locking the fence in the later evening hours.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT Report CS 24-088 titled Committee Appointments be received as information; and
    2. THAT Stephen Culig, Lauren Johnson and Michael Adams be appointed to the Accessibility Advisory Committee; and
    3. THAT Pauline Markus be appointed to the Community Health Care Advisory Committee; and
    4. THAT Michael Adams, Ogi Ressel, Lisa DeGeorgis, Lauren Johnson and Monica Clare be appointed to the Property Standards Advisory Committee; and
    5. THAT Sophie Hicks, Dakshneel Singh, Julia Drobits, Scarlet Robson and Jaxon Grundy be appointed to the Youth Advisory Council; and
    6. THAT applications for the Youth Advisory Council remain open until the remaining vacancies are filled; and
    7. THAT a By-Law to amend By-Law 2023-009, be brought forward for Council consideration.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report titled EDM 24-026 Surplus Land Declaration – Ball Alley between Tillson Street and First Alley be received; and,


    2. THAT the municipally owned Ball Alley between Tillson Street and First Alley, as described on Plan 500, be declared surplus to the needs of the Town of Tillsonburg in accordance with Bylaw 2021-031 (land disposition) including suitable notification to the public; and,


    3. That the Development Commissioner be authorized to negotiate an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with the adjacent property owner(s) subject to being brought back to Council for approval.
    1. THAT Council receives report titled EDM 24-027 Community Improvement Plan Application – Part of Lot 24, Simcoe Street; and,

    2. THAT the Simcoe Street property owned by Harvest Ave Inc be approved as the first recipient of funds for a Multi-Residential property outside of the Central Area under the updated Community Improvement Plan and in support of the construction of an approximately 132 unit building with 29 lower than market rate rental units; and,

    3. That support be provided at the Strategic Level of the Tax Increment Equivalent Grant Back Program, which offers the following growth related rebates:

      Years 1 to 6 - 100% rebate of the incremental tax increase

      Year 7 - 80% rebate

      Year 8 - 60% rebate

      Year 9 - 40% rebate

      Year 10 - 20% rebate

      with full property taxes being payable in year 11;

    4. THAT the project be approved for the Permit Fee Grant Back Program with a 50% rebate of the building permit fees for the less than market rate units up to a maximum of $20,000.


  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report FIN-24-039 titled “Funding Agreement for the Renewed Canada Community-Building Fund, 2024-2034” be received as information; and
    2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be delegated the authority to execute the Municipal Funding Agreement 2024-2034 on the Canada Community-Building Fund between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Town of Tillsonburg; and
    3. THAT a by-law to authorize the execution of the said agreement be presented for consideration.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report OPD-24-040 titled Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Review be received as information; and
    2. THAT the timeline and workplan for the Comprehensive Zoning By-Law review be endorsed.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report OPD 24-041 titled “Harvest Heights Subdivision Road Naming” be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approves “Sergeant Avenue”, “Horton Street”, “Attwater Drive”, “Boyle Street”, “Davidson Street”, “Ledbury Avenue”, “Mansfield Court”, “Esseltine Drive”, “Dereham Drive” and “Grandview Drive” as road names within the Harvest Heights subdivision.


  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report OPD 24-043 titled “Tender Results – RFT2024-005-R – QTL Retaining Wall” be received as information; and
    2. THAT staff be directed to reallocate the dedicated 2024 funds from Capital Project #233 - Charlotte and Clarence Reconstruction to Capital Project #194 - Retaining Wall Reconstruction at Beech Blvd and Quarter Town Line in the amount of $545,011.30 inclusive of an additional $25,000 be added to the project for the purposes of hydro pole relocation; and
    3. THAT the contract for RFT2024-005-R – QTL Retaining Wall be awarded to CH Excavating (2013) at a total project cost of $1,653,206.90 (including HST); and
    4. THAT Geotechnical Engineer/Inspection services be awarded to Planmac at an additional cost of $42,804.40 (including HST).
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report RCP 24-030 titled “RCP Social Media Update” be received as information; and
    2. THAT staff within the Communications branch of Corporate Services assume responsibility of digital channels including monitoring all social media activities and accounts in line with corporate branding and the centralized communications strategies as outlined in Report RCP-24-030.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report RCP 24-033 titled “Updated Parks and Recreation Areas By-Law” be received as information; and
    2. THAT the Parks Use By-law be approved; and
    3. THAT a By-Law to enact the Parks and Recreation Areas By-Law, as attached, be presented to Council for consideration.
  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the following Advisory Committee Minutes be received as information: 

    • Recreation and Sports Advisory Committee meeting minutes dated May 2, 2024
    • Parks, Beautification and Cemeteries Advisory Committee meeting minutes dated May 28, 2024
    • Community Health Care Advisory Committee meeting minutes dated June 18, 2024
    • Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting minutes dated June 19, 2024
    • Parks, Beautification and Cemeteries Advisory Committee meeting minutes dated June 25, 2024
    • Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee meeting minutes dated June 27, 2024
  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT industrial manufacturers be provided a minimum of 10 business days' notice for any scheduled water disruptions. 


  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the following By-Laws be read for a first, second and third and final reading and that the Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the corporate seal thereunto. 

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT By-Law 2024-080, A By-Law to Confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on July 8, 2024, be read for a first, second and third and final reading and that the Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the corporate seal thereunto. 

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the Council meeting of July 8, 2024, be adjourned at ______ p.m. 

No Item Selected