The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg
Council Meeting

4 Elm St

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT Council move into Closed Session to consider the following:

    2.4.1 CLD-CS-24-007 Litigation Update

    239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees;

    239 (2) (e)  litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board;

    239 (2) (f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

    2.4.2 CAO 23-13 CLD-EDM-24-012 Assignment of VIP Lot 1 from 2776807 Ontario Inc to 2153484 Ontario Inc – Final Agreement and Supporting Information

    239 (2) (i) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization;

    239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

Adoption of Agenda


Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


Adoption of Closed Session Minutes


Litigation Update - CLD-CS-24-007


239 (2) (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees;

239 (2) (e)  litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board;

239 (2) (f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

 Assignment of VIP Lot 1 from 2776807 Ontario Inc to 2153484 Ontario Inc – Final Agreement and Supporting Information - CLD-EDM-24-012


239 (2) (i) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization;

239 (2) (k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.

Back to Open Session

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the agenda as prepared for the Council Meeting of August 12, 2024, be approved. 

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the Council Meeting Minutes dated July 8, 2024 and the Special Council Meeting Minutes dated July 24, 2024, be approved.

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the Committee of Adjustment approve Application A06-24, submitted by Brothers Marketing Inc. for lands described as Lot 747, Plan 500, municipally known as 111 Rolph Street in the Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to:

    1. Relief from Section 12.2 – EC Zone Provisions, to reduce the minimum required rear yard setback from 7.5 m (24.6) to 3.5 m (11.48 ft) on a lot that has been granted conditional consent from the Oxford County Land Division Committee.

    Subject to the following conditions:

    1. That the relief granted is only applicable upon completion of related Consent Application B23-46-7;
    2. That the Owner provide an updated building location survey confirming the rear yard depth of at least 3.5 m between the existing duplex dwelling and the rear lot line proposed through Consent Application B23-46-7, to the satisfaction of the Town of Tillsonburg Building Services Department;
    3. The requested relief only applies to portions of the existing duplex dwelling, as depicted on Plate 3 of Report No. CP 2024-265.

    As the requested variances are considered to be:

    1. minor variances from the provisions of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By‑Law;
    2. desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land;
    3. in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the County’s Official Plan, and
    4. in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-law.


  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT Town of Tillsonburg Council advise County Council that the Town supports the application to amend the Official Plan (File No. OP 23-14-7) as submitted by Southside Construction Management for lands legally described as Block38, Plan 41M-392, Town of Tillsonburg, to redesignate the lands from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential; and

    THAT Town of Tillsonburg Council approve in-principle Zone Change Application (ZN 7-23-11), submitted by Southside Construction Management, whereby the lands legally described as Block 38, Plan 41M-392, Town of Tillsonburg are to be rezoned from ‘Special Medium Density Residential Zone (RM-8)’ to ‘Special High Density Residential Zone (RH-sp), as described in Report CP 2024-236.

  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the delegation from the Hickory Hills Residents Association regarding Property Standards By-Law Short Forming be received as information.

  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report CS-24-087 titled Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee Recommendation – Annandale House Fundraising Committee be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approve the recommendation as follows:
      1. THAT the Museum, Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee recommend to Council to create an Annandale House Fundraising Committee; and
      2. THAT Joan Weston, David Morris, Fran Bell, Penny Esseltine and Marilyn Avent be appointed as members to the Annandale House Fundraising Committee with a staff member from the museum as support.
  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT report titled FIN 24-042 - 2024 Consolidated Q2 Operating Results be received as information.

  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report CAO 24-012 titled “4 day work week” be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approves the 4 day work week option to be included as a possible work schedule for employees pending departmental operations not being negatively affected.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report CAO 24-019 titled Criminal Record Check Policy be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approves the Criminal Record Check Policy for the Town of Tillsonburg; and
    3. THAT a By-Law to implement the Criminal Record Check Policy be presented to Council for consideration.


  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report FIN 24-040 titled 2024 Levy for the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital be received; and
    2. THAT a By-Law to provide for the adoption of the 2024 levy on the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital be brought forward for Council consideration.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report OPD 24-037 titled Public Works Fleet Services Asset Allocations be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approves the reallocation of approved budgeted funds for the recommended purchase of associated fleet equipment, as below; and
    3. THAT Council approves the additional $26,072 to be funded from the Fleet Reserve:

    Unit #







    Snow Blower



    $ (64,545)



    Tractor (+ attach)



    $ 145,000

    Cancel + Re-all


    Mower Deck

    $  55,000


    $   55,000

    Cancel + Re-all



    $  55,000


    $   55,000

    Cancel + Re-all


    Snow Blade

    $  20,000


    $   20,000

    Cancel + Re-all


    Snow Plow



    $   9,165



    Leaf Vac



    $ (270,219)



    Box Blade

    $  55,000

    $  25,717

    $    29,283



    $ 977,000

    $ 955,805

    $   (26,072)



  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report OPD 24-045 titled Purchase of Single Axle Cab and Chassis with Plow be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approves the purchase of a single axle cab and chassis with plow from Viking-Cives Ltd. in the total amount of $424,936 (net of refundable HST) as per the Town’s enrollment through Canoe’s cooperative purchasing group.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report OPD 24-047 titled Purchase of New Leaf Vacuum be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approves the purchase of a new leaf vacuum trailer unit in the amount of $274,975 (net of refundable HST) from Colvoy Equipment


  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT report OPD 24-050 titled “New Town Hall - Design Scope Change Update” be received as information; and

    THAT Council direct the Town’s Director of Operations and Development to proceed with +VG Architect’s proposed Amended Services Work Request No.1, dated July 30, 2024, in the amount of $82,131.00 (excluding HST); and

    THAT Council direct the above overage amount to be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve.

  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report OPD 24-051 titled Purchase of Loader-Mounted Snow Blower be received as information; and
    2. THAT Council approves the purchase of a SnoGo Loader-Mounted Snow Blower from Colvoy Equipment in the amount of $246,545 (net of refundable HST) as per the Town’s enrollment through Canoe’s cooperative purchasing group.
  • Proposed Resolution #

    A. THAT report RCP 024-027 titled “Recommendation for Security Concepts as Sole Provider for Security Systems in Tillsonburg” be received as information; and

    B. THAT Security Concepts be appointed as the Town of Tillsonburg's single source supplier for security cameras and swipe card entry systems.

  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report titled RCP-24-035 titled “Parks and Recreation Master Plan” be received as information; and
    2. THAT the proposed Parks and Recreation Master Plan attached to Report RCP-24-035 addressing parks and recreation needs in Tillsonburg over the next ten years be adopted; and
    3. THAT the Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks be directed to develop an implementation strategy for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan to be presented to Council for consideration as part of the Town’s annual budget process.
  • Proposed Resolution #
    1. THAT report RCP 24-038 titled “Reallocation of 2024 Capital Budget Funding – Sport Fields” be received as information; and,
    2. THAT Council approve the reallocation of $10,000 from capital #622 “Aluminum Benches/Bleachers” to the capital project #400 "Sports Fields Maintenance & Repairs"
  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT the following Advisory Committee Minutes be received as information: 

    • Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting minutes dated June 9, 2024
  • Proposed Resolution #

    WHEREAS the state of health care in Ontario is in crisis, with 2.3 million Ontarians lacking access to a family doctor, emergency room closures across the province, patients being de-rostered and 40% of family doctors considering retirement over the next five years; and

    WHEREAS it has becoming increasingly challenging to attract and retain an adequate healthcare workforce throughout the health sector across Ontario; and

    WHERAS Ontario municipal governments play an integral role in the health care system through responsibilities in public health, long-term care, paramedicine, and other investments.

    WHEREAS the percentage of family physicians practicing comprehensive family medicine has declined from 77 in 2008 to 65 percent in 2022; and

    WHEREAS per capita health-care spending in Ontario is the lowest of all provinces in Canada, and

    WHEREAS a robust workforce developed through a provincial, sector-wide health human resources strategy would significantly improve access to health services across the province;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of (the name of municipality) urge the Province of Ontario to recognize the physician shortage in (name of municipality) and Ontario, to fund health care appropriately and ensure every Ontarian has access to physician care.

  • Proposed Resolution #

    WHEREAS current provincial-municipal fiscal arrangements are undermining Ontario’s economic prosperity and quality of life

    WHEREAS nearly a third of municipal spending in Ontario is for services in areas of provincial responsibility and expenditures are outpacing provincial contributions by nearly $4 billion a year

    WHEREAS municipal revenues, such as property taxes, do not grow with the economy or inflation

    WHEREAS unprecedented population and housing growth will require significant investments in municipal infrastructure

    WHEREAS municipalities are being asked to take on complex health and social challenges – like homelessness, supporting asylum seekers and addressing the mental health and addictions crises

    WHEREAS inflation, rising interest rates, and provincial policy decisions are sharply constraining municipal fiscal capacity

    WHEREAS property taxpayers – including people on fixed incomes and small businesses – can’t afford to subsidize income re-distribution programs for those most in need

    WHEREAS the province can, and should, invest more in the prosperity of communities

    WHEREAS municipalities and the provincial government have a strong history of collaboration

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario commit to undertaking with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario a comprehensive social and economic prosperity review to promote the stability and sustainability of municipal finances across Ontario

    AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this motion be sent to the Premier of Ontario ; Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing ; the Minister of Finance ; and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.

  • Proposed Resolution #

    WHEREAS, the Town of Tillsonburg received the delegation from Joanna Piatkowski, Manager of Ingamo Homes on May 13, 2024; and

    WHEREAS, Resolution # 2024-213 was passed by Council at the May 13, 2024 Town of Tillsonburg Council Meeting:

    1. THAT the delegation from Joanna Piatkowski regarding Gender-Based Violence in Oxford County be received as information; and
    2. THAT Town of Tillsonburg Council supports Bill 173 Intimate Partner Violence and a letter be sent to the Province on behalf of Town Council; and

    WHEREAS the 401 corridor has been well documented as a primary route for sex traffickers to transport and sell victims of commercial sexual exploitation; and

    WHEREAS the Oxford County police received 1570 calls regarding domestic violence in 2023 alone; and


    WHEREAS in that time period, the statistics of IPV has increased 900%, the number of women and children in shelter in Oxford was 140, the number of women turned away due to capacity constraints In Oxford County was 73 and 796 individuals identified that required/could have benefited from specialized sexual violence supports through Oxford County Community Health Care team, Ingamo Homes & Domestic Abuse Services Oxford (DASO); and

    WHEREAS these organizations are actively looking to prevent domestic violence and assist people in Tillsonburg; and

    WHEREAS the installment of a purple bench would be a declaration and a strong message to victims of Intimate Partner Violence that they need not suffer violence in private and that they are part of a community that will stand with them, support them, and that the Town of Tillsonburg does not tolerate this violence in our community; and

    WHEREAS the Downtown Tillsonburg Business Improvement Association is willing to assist with the space for purple bench installment as well as responsibility for the care and condition, including snow removal; and

    WHEREAS Maglin Site Furniture Ltd. is willing to donate the bench and plaque at no cost to the Town; and

    WHEREAS the plaque will be engraved and will include resources for people that are dealing with domestic violence, gender-based violence (GBV) or Intimate partner violence (IPV). The resources would include contact for DASO (Domestic Abuse Services Oxford), Ingamo and DART (Domestic Abuse Resource Team); and 

    WHEREAS, DASO and Ingamo have requested space from Town of Tillsonburg for Tillsonburg needs; and

    WHEREAS it is estimated that approximately 85% off all women who are experiencing violence in the home right now aren’t even aware of GBV services, which means they don’t even know that DASO and/or Ingamo exist;


    1. THAT Council supports the purple bench campaign; and
    2. THAT Staff be directed to work with the downtown BIA to install a suitable visible location for the purple bench with a plaque; and
    3. THAT the CAO and Director of Operations and Development be authorized to complete any necessary agreements needed to execute the donation and placement of the bench; and
    4. THAT staff be directed to bring a report back to Council exploring the possibility of providing office space usage once a  week or bimonthly for Ingamo Homes, DART and DASO team in order for them to provide local awareness and accessible support.
  • Proposed Resolution #

    THAT By-Law 2024-089, A By-Law to Confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on August 12, 2024, be read for a first, second, third and final reading and that the Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same and place the corporate seal thereunto. 

  • THAT the Council meeting of August 12, 2024, be adjourned at _____ p.m. 

No Item Selected